Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You
Divorce, custody, child visitation, child support, orders of protection are all very emotional experiences to go through. But if you let your emotions control you, you will not be able to make rational decision to your best interest or your child(ren)’s best interest. Too often your emotions react due to looks, words or actions of the other parent or your spouse. This only gives him or her control over you. He or she did not make you mad, angry, or have an outburst, you allowed it.
When in court, the judge mostly only has to go by how you present yourself. If you allow the other one to get to you, to have power over you, to control you, you will give a really bad image of yourself to the judge. No one upsets you, you allow the person to upset. To have outbursts in court, makes you look unreasonable and out of control. To have outbursts in court, validates and encourages the other parent or your spouse to keep doing whatever he or she may be doing that gets to you.
The Spartans wore red into battle so the enemy could not see them bleed. You need to as well, but an emotional red so as not permit the other parent or your spouse to know if he or she gets to you. This will probably cause the other parent or your spouse to lose control due to not having control over you any longer. It is important to get into counseling to help you control yourself and properly and constructively vent your emotions. When the other parent or your spouse lies, or does whatever it is that gets to you, your only internal response should be: thank God I am not with that person any longer.
In court, do not talk when its not your turn. Do not look at or stare at the other parent or your spouse. Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You! Do not react at all, just look remorsefully at your toes and maintain full control of yourself at all times.