Love Your Children More Than You Hate The Other Parent, Especially At The Holidays.
A proper and fit parent for custody encourages visitation and a good relationship between the child(ren) and the other parent. A proper and fit parent for custody will never say a bad word about the other parent to or in front of the child(ren). A proper and fit parent for custody will never lie to the child(ren) about the other parent to cause the child(ren) to believe negative things about the other parent. A proper and fit parent for custody will never tell the child(ren) true things about the other parent that are not good about the other parent.
It is the holidays, stop the bullshit. Give your child(ren) the best gift of love and shut the F up about the other parent if you have nothing good to say!!!
No matter how you feel about the other parent, no matter what you think about the other parent, your child(ren) is/are one half that other parent. Hate of the other parent is hate of one half of your child(ren).
To ignore this advise is ignore your child(ren)’s best interests, emotional and psychological health. To ignore this advise is to prove you should NOT have custody.