Do Not Vent About Your Case in Social Media!
I too often see people venting about their divorce, child custody cases, support case, domestic violence case, and other cases, on social media. If I can see your posting this, others can see it too. Thus, all your whining and complaining about the judge and anyone else will probably get back to them and may be used against you directly or indirectly.
All your whining and complaining about the judge will probably get back to him or her. All your whining and complaining about the attorney for the child(ren) will probably get back to him or her. All your whining and complaining about your lawyer will probably get back to him or her. All your repeating of things your cbild(ren) have said to you, will eventually get back to them, and it will get back to the court.
Though it technically should not affect anything as concerns the judge, the judge is but human and it will affect everything one way or another. It will lead him or her to believe everything the other parent says about you must be true. Not just what you say about the judge, but what you are saying about others including your hopefully soon to be spouse or other parent of your child(ren). Your child is half you and half the other parent. Whatever you say about the other parent, you are also saying about half of your child(ren).
Anything and everything you say in social media, can be found and will adversely affect your child(ren). Anything you say about the other parent may not be seen by your child(ren) today because they are too young, can be seen by them in the future, or by their friends, or by their friends parents, causing really bad present or future situations for your children. This tells everyone that your own bitterness is more important than your own child(ren)’s well being and best interests.
Again, the lawyer for the child(ren) is also human, and it will drastically affect his or her lawyering for your children. If your children are the most important to you as you claim, DO NOT DO THIS!
If you are doing this about the other parent’s lawyer, it only swell his or her ego, and informs him or her that he or she can get to you so badly that they know going to trial you will probably lose what you may have otherwise won.
If you are doing this about your own lawyer, then you should have fired him or her and hired someone else, because now that person will just think you are everything the other parent says you are and not be able to represent you fully.
To broadcast on social media what you claim the child(ren) have said is to so betray the parent child relationship and confidence as to give rise to possible child neglect and possible need for supervised visitation.
If you are doing all of the above and then throw hissy fits at anyone who nicely gives you good advice to stop doing this and delete that which you have already posted and then you first argue with them, then delete and block them, clearly it says you probably need mental help.