16 Things I’ve Learned in 16 Years of Practice

Mace Greenfield Client/Litigant/Pro Se Information

Anniversaries take on new meanings when you are a divorce lawyer. To me, one of the proudest accomplishments in my career was going back to school to obtain my bachelors degree and then my law degree while raising my daughter as a sole custodial parent and earning a living all at the same time. I became a licensed attorney on …

Bankruptcy and Divorce

Mace Greenfield Client/Litigant/Pro Se Information

Although the economy is showing signs of recovery, chances are you’ve experienced some degree of hardship in the last few years – especially if you have gone through or are going through – a divorce. Very few come through the divorce process economically unscathed, so rest assured that you’re in good company. But if the comfort of being among others …

Financial Stress, Divorce and Leaving Long Island

Mace Greenfield Client/Litigant/Pro Se Information

Here’s one I hear a lot from my clients or their soon-to-be ex-spouses: “It’s too expensive to live on Long Island so I need full custody in order to move.” First off, tell me something I don’t already know. In fact, there’s a good chance that money issues were responsible for the couple sitting across from one another contemplating divorce …